Monday, July 11, 2011

Quentin Compson cakes!

OH HAI. So I haven't posted anything here since January... largely because I forgot this blog existed. Oops! I also lost my mind along the way and decided to overhaul my original thesis topic. Cool.

Alas, now it's July. I spend my days figuring out the specifics of my new thesis topic, accruing copious paper cuts at my part-time office job, and shopping waaaay too much. Oh, and baking more literary-themed cupcakes:

Yes, I had to stand on a chair to get this shot!

The only text that I happily kept from Thesis Take 1 was The Sound and the Fury because I'm a weirdo and I'm fascinated by Quentin Compson, self-destructive eldest child of the dysfunctional Compson clan. Like many modernists, Faulkner puts Quentin's thoughts into a jumbled stream of consciousness. (It is largely incomprehensible, and make no mistake, I read it with the aid of Spark Notes the first time around.) As Quentin gets closer to suicide, his thoughts totally break down, and his sense of self shrinks--to a lower-case "i". Hence "i temporary."

Now, to cupcakes! This task was sort of daunting because I have a hard time writing lower-case "e"s in icing. As you can see in my first post, I totally copped out (after leaving many cupcake casualties in my wake!). But I couldn't do that with my Quentin Compson cakes because the use of lower-case is so symbolic. Miraculously, I didn't screw it up! Conquering my baking fears, one literary-quote-adorned cupcake at a time.

Oh! These cupcakes also are Funfetti-esque (Faux-fetti?) and have Nerds inside. Because Quentin goes to Harvard and is a nerd! (Um, sure. Really, I wanted to try this recipe AND make Faulkner cupcakes, so the two ideas merged beautifully.)

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